2019-10-15 17:34:08 +02:00

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Traefik & Consul Catalog

A Story of Labels, Services & Containers {: .subtitle }


Attach labels to your services and let Traefik do the rest!

Routing Configuration

!!! info "Labels"

- Labels are case insensitive.
- The complete list of labels can be found [the reference page](../../reference/dynamic-configuration/


Traefik creates, for each consul Catalog service, a corresponding service and router.

The Service automatically gets a server per container in this consul Catalog service, and the router gets a default rule attached to it, based on the service name.


To update the configuration of the Router automatically attached to the container, add labels starting with traefik.routers.{name-of-your-choice}. and followed by the option you want to change.

For example, to change the rule, you could add the label``).

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.rule"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information. 

- "traefik.http.routers.myrouter.rule=Host(``)"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.entrypoints"

See [entry points](../routers/ for more information. 

- "traefik.http.routers.myrouter.entrypoints=web,websecure"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.middlewares"

See [middlewares](../routers/ and [middlewares overview](../../middlewares/ for more information. 

- "traefik.http.routers.myrouter.middlewares=auth,prefix,cb"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.service"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information. 

- "traefik.http.routers.myrouter.service=myservice"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.tls"

See [tls](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.http.routers.myrouter>.tls=true"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.tls.certresolver"

See [certResolver](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.http.routers.myrouter.tls.certresolver=myresolver"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>[n].main"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

- "[0]"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>[n].sans"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

- "[0],"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.tls.options"

See [options](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.http.routers.myrouter.tls.options=foobar"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.priority"

- "traefik.http.routers.myrouter.priority=42"


To update the configuration of the Service automatically attached to the container, add labels starting with{name-of-your-choice}., followed by the option you want to change.

For example, to change the passHostHeader behavior, you'd add the label{name-of-your-choice}.loadbalancer.passhostheader=false.

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.server.port"

Registers a port.
Useful when the container exposes multiples ports.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.server.scheme"

Overrides the default scheme.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.passhostheader"

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.headers.<header_name>"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.hostname"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.interval"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.path"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.port"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.scheme"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.timeout"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.sticky"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.sticky.cookie.httponly"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.responseforwarding.flushinterval"

FlushInterval specifies the flush interval to flush to the client while copying the response body.

- ""


You can declare pieces of middleware using labels starting with traefik.http.middlewares.{name-of-your-choice}., followed by the middleware type/options.

For example, to declare a middleware redirectscheme named my-redirect, you'd write https.

More information about available middlewares in the dedicated middlewares section.

??? example "Declaring and Referencing a Middleware"

# ...
  # Declaring a middleware
  # Referencing a middleware

!!! warning "Conflicts in Declaration"

If you declare multiple middleware with the same name but with different parameters, the middleware fails to be declared.


You can declare TCP Routers and/or Services using labels.

??? example "Declaring TCP Routers and Services"

       # ...
         - "``)"
         - ""
         - ""

!!! warning "TCP and HTTP"

If you declare a TCP Router/Service, it will prevent Traefik from automatically creating an HTTP Router/Service (like it does by default if no TCP Router/Service is defined).
You can declare both a TCP Router/Service and an HTTP Router/Service for the same container (but you have to do so manually).

TCP Routers

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.entrypoints"

See [entry points](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.entrypoints=ep1,ep2"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.rule"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.rule=HostSNI(``)"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.service"

See [service](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.service=myservice"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.tls"

See [TLS](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.tls=true"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.tls.certresolver"

See [certResolver](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.tls.certresolver=myresolver"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>[n].main"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

- "[0]"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>[n].sans"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

- "[0],"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.tls.options"

See [options](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.tls.options=mysoptions"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.tls.passthrough"

See [TLS](../routers/ for more information.

- "traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.tls.passthrough=true"

TCP Services

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.server.port"

Registers a port of the application.

- ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.terminationdelay"

See [termination delay](../services/ for more information.

- ""

Specific Provider Options


- "traefik.enable=true"

You can tell Traefik to consider (or not) the container by setting traefik.enable to true or false.

This option overrides the value of exposedByDefault.

Port Lookup

Traefik is capable of detecting the port to use, by following the default consul Catalog flow. That means, if you just expose lets say port :1337 on the consul Catalog ui, traefik will pick up this port and use it.