Emile Vauge 8e5355f2d9
Prepare release v1.1.0-rc3
Signed-off-by: Emile Vauge <>
2016-10-26 17:38:18 +02:00

29 KiB

Change Log

v1.1.0-rc3 (2016-10-26)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Cannot provide multiple certificates using flag #757
  • traefik * Users: unsupported type: slice #743
  • Docker swarm mode
  • Case sensitive domain names breaks routing #562

Closed issues:

  • dependencies installation error #755
  • k8s provider w/ acme? #752
  • Documented ProvidersThrottleDuration value is invalid #741
  • Loadbalaning issues with traefik and Docker Swarm cluster #730
  • issues with marathon app ids containing a dot #726
  • How Routing traffic depending on path not domain in docker #706
  • Traefik crashes when using Consul catalog #699
  • File Watcher for rules does not work #683

Merged pull requests:

v1.1.0-rc2 (2016-10-17)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Support healthcheck if present for docker #666

Closed issues:

  • Sensible configuration for consulCatalog #737
  • Traefik ignoring container listening in more than one TCP port #734
  • Error when using HA acme in kubernetes with etcd #725
  • Docker swarm mode
  • Dose it support docker swarm mode #712
  • Kubernetes - Undefined backend #710
  • Constraints on Consul Catalogue not working as expected #703
  • docker run syntax in swarm example has changed #528
  • Secure WebSockets #467

Merged pull requests:

v1.1.0-rc1 (2016-09-30)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Feature Request: SSL Cipher Selection #535
  • Error with -consulcatalog and missing load balance method on 1.0.0 #524
  • Running Traefik with Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode #504
  • Kubernetes provider: should allow the master url to be override #501
  • Frontend Rule evolution #437
  • Add a Changelog #388
  • Add label matching for kubernetes ingests #363
  • Acme in HA Traefik Scenario #348
  • HTTP Basic Auth support #77
  • Session affinity / stickiness / persistence #5
  • Kubernetes provider: traefik.frontend.rule.type logging #668 (yvespp)

Fixed bugs:

  • traefik hangs - stops handling requests #662
  • Add long jobs in exponential backoff providers #626
  • Tip of tree crashes on invalid pointer on Marathon provider #624
  • ACME: revoke certificate on agreement update #579
  • WebUI: Providers tabs disappeared #577
  • traefik version command contains incorrect information when building from master branch #569
  • Flag --etcd.endpoint default #508
  • Conditional ACME on demand generation #505
  • Important delay with streams Mozilla EventSource #503
  • Traefik crashing #458
  • traefik.toml constraints error: Expected map but found 'string'. #451
  • Multiple path separators in the url path causing redirect #167

Closed issues:

  • Global InsecureSkipVerify does not work #700
  • documentation/feature
  • How to configure which network to use when starting traefik binary? #694
  • How to get multiple host headers working for docker labels? #692
  • Requests with URL-encoded characters are not forwarded correctly #684
  • Issue with global InsecureSkipVerify = true and self signed certificates #667
  • Docker exposedbydefault = false didn't work #663
  • ACME
  • Fronting a domain with DNS A-record round-robin & ACME #654
  • Overriding toml configuration with environment variables #650
  • marathon provider exposedByDefault = false #647
  • Add status URL for service up checks #642
  • acme's storage file, containing private key, is word readable #638
  • wildcard domain with exclusions #633
  • Enable evenly distribution among backend #631
  • Traefik sporadically failing when proxying requests #615
  • TCP Proxy #608
  • How to use in Windows? #605
  • ClientCAFiles ignored #604
  • Let`s Encrypt enable in etcd #600
  • Support HTTP Basic Auth #599
  • Consul KV seem broken #587
  • HTTPS entryPoint not working #574
  • Traefik stuck when used as frontend for a streaming API #560
  • Exclude some frontends in consul catalog #555
  • Can I use Traefik without a domain name? #539
  • Priortities in 1.0.0 not behaving #506
  • Route by path #500
  • Container IP Lost #375

Merged pull requests:

v1.0.2 (2016-08-02)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • ACME: revoke certificate on agreement update #579

Closed issues:

  • Exclude some frontends in consul catalog #555

Merged pull requests:

v1.0.1 (2016-07-19)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Error with -consulcatalog and missing load balance method on 1.0.0 #524
  • Kubernetes provider: should allow the master url to be override #501

Fixed bugs:

  • Flag --etcd.endpoint default #508
  • Conditional ACME on demand generation #505
  • Important delay with streams Mozilla EventSource #503

Closed issues:

  • Can I use Traefik without a domain name? #539
  • Priortities in 1.0.0 not behaving #506
  • Route by path #500

Merged pull requests:

v1.0.0 (2016-07-05)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Enable to define empty TLS option by flag for Let's Encrypt #488
  • Docker
  • Response is compressed when not requested #485
  • loadConfig modifies configuration causing same config check to fail #480

Closed issues:

  • svg logo #482
  • etcd tries to connect with TLS even with --etcd.tls=false #456
  • Zookeeper - KV connection error: Failed to test KV store connection #455
  • "Not Found" api response needed instead of 404 #454
  • domain label doesn't work on docker #447
  • Any chance of a windows release? #425

Merged pull requests:

v1.0.0-rc3 (2016-06-23)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • support more than one rule to Docker backend #419

Fixed bugs:

  • consulCatalog issue when serviceName contains a dot #475
  • Issue with empty responses #463
  • Severe memory leak in beta.470 and beyond crashes Traefik server #462
  • Marathon that starts with a space causes parsing errors. #459
  • A frontend route without a rule or empty rule causes a crash when traefik starts #453
  • container dropped out when connecting to Docker Swarm #442
  • Traefik setting Accept-Encoding: gzip on requests Traefik may also be broken with chunked responses #421

Closed issues:

  • HTTP headers case gets modified #466
  • File frontend > Marathon Backend #465
  • Websocket: Unable to hijack the connection #452
  • kubernetes: Received event spamming? #449
  • kubernetes: backends not updated when i scale replication controller? #448
  • Add href link on frontend #436
  • Multiple Domains Rule #430

Merged pull requests:

v1.0.0-rc2 (2016-06-07)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

  • Panic on help #429
  • Bad default values in configuration #427

Closed issues:

  • Traefik doesn't listen on IPv4 ports #434
  • Not listening on port 80 #432
  • docs need updating for new frontend rules format #423
  • Does traefik supports for Mac? For devlelopment #417

Merged pull requests:

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator