--- title: "Traefik Proxy HTTPS & TLS Overview |Traefik Docs" description: "Traefik supports HTTPS & TLS, which concerns roughly two parts of the configuration: routers, and the TLS connection. Read the documentation to learn more." --- # HTTPS & TLS Overview {: .subtitle } Traefik supports HTTPS & TLS, which concerns roughly two parts of the configuration: routers, and the TLS connection (and its underlying certificates). When a router has to handle HTTPS traffic, it should be specified with a `tls` field of the router definition. See the TLS section of the [routers documentation](../routing/routers/index.md#tls). The next sections of this documentation explain how to configure the TLS connection itself. That is to say, how to obtain [TLS certificates](./tls.md#certificates-definition): either through a definition in the dynamic configuration, or through [Let's Encrypt](./acme.md) (ACME). And how to configure [TLS options](./tls.md#tls-options), and [certificates stores](./tls.md#certificates-stores).