# Contributing ### Building You need either [Docker](https://github.com/docker/docker) and `make` (Method 1), or `go` (Method 2) in order to build traefik. For changes to its dependencies, the `glide` dependency management tool and `glide-vc` plugin are required. #### Method 1: Using `Docker` and `Makefile` You need to run the `binary` target. This will create binaries for Linux platform in the `dist` folder. ```bash $ make binary docker build -t "traefik-dev:no-more-godep-ever" -f build.Dockerfile . Sending build context to Docker daemon 295.3 MB Step 0 : FROM golang:1.8 ---> 8c6473912976 Step 1 : RUN go get github.com/Masterminds/glide [...] docker run --rm -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" -it -e OS_ARCH_ARG -e OS_PLATFORM_ARG -e TESTFLAGS -v "/home/emile/dev/go/src/github.com/containous/traefik/"dist":/go/src/github.com/containous/traefik/"dist"" "traefik-dev:no-more-godep-ever" ./script/make.sh generate binary ---> Making bundle: generate (in .) removed 'gen.go' ---> Making bundle: binary (in .) $ ls dist/ traefik* ``` #### Method 2: Using `go` ###### Setting up your `go` environment - You need `go` v1.8+ - It is recommended you clone Træfik into a directory like `~/go/src/github.com/containous/traefik` (This is the official golang workspace hierarchy, and will allow dependencies to resolve properly) - Set your `GOPATH` and `PATH` variable to be set to `~/go` via: ```bash export GOPATH=~/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin ``` > Note: You will want to add those 2 export lines to your `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile` - Verify your environment is setup properly by running `$ go env`. Depending on your OS and environment you should see output similar to: ```bash GOARCH="amd64" GOBIN="" GOEXE="" GOHOSTARCH="amd64" GOHOSTOS="linux" GOOS="linux" GOPATH="/home//go" GORACE="" ## more go env's will be listed ``` ###### Build Træfik Once your environment is set up and the Træfik repository cloned you can build Træfik. You need get `go-bindata` once to be able to use `go generate` command as part of the build. The steps to build are: ```bash cd ~/go/src/github.com/containous/traefik # Get go-bindata. Please note, the ellipses are required go get github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/... # Start build go generate # Standard go build go build ./cmd/traefik # run other commands like tests ``` You will find the Træfik executable in the `~/go/src/github.com/containous/traefik` folder as `traefik`. #### Setting up `glide` and `glide-vc` for dependency management - Glide is not required for building; however, it is necessary to modify dependencies (i.e., add, update, or remove third-party packages) - Glide can be installed either via homebrew: `$ brew install glide` or via the official glide script: `$ curl https://glide.sh/get | sh` - The glide plugin `glide-vc` must be installed from source: `go get github.com/sgotti/glide-vc` If you want to add a dependency, use `$ glide get` to have glide put it into the vendor folder and update the glide manifest/lock files (`glide.yaml` and `glide.lock`, respectively). A following `glide-vc` run should be triggered to trim down the size of the vendor folder. The final result must be committed into VCS. Dependencies for the integration tests in the `integration` folder are managed in a separate `integration/glide.yaml` file using the same toolset. Care must be taken to choose the right arguments to `glide` when dealing with either main or integration test dependencies, or otherwise risk ending up with a broken build. For that reason, the helper script `script/glide.sh` encapsulates the gory details and conveniently calls `glide-vc` as well. Call it without parameters for basic usage instructions. Here's a full example using glide to add a new dependency: ```bash # install the new main dependency github.com/foo/bar and minimize vendor size $ ./script/glide.sh get github.com/foo/bar # install another dependency, this time for the integration tests $ ( cd integration && ../script/glide.sh get github.com/baz/quuz ) # generate (Only required to integrate other components such as web dashboard) $ go generate # Standard go build $ go build ./cmd/traefik # run other commands like tests ``` ### Tests ##### Method 1: `Docker` and `make` You can run unit tests using the `test-unit` target and the integration test using the `test-integration` target. ```bash $ make test-unit docker build -t "traefik-dev:your-feature-branch" -f build.Dockerfile . # […] docker run --rm -it -e OS_ARCH_ARG -e OS_PLATFORM_ARG -e TESTFLAGS -v "/home/vincent/src/github/vdemeester/traefik/dist:/go/src/github.com/containous/traefik/dist" "traefik-dev:your-feature-branch" ./script/make.sh generate test-unit ---> Making bundle: generate (in .) removed 'gen.go' ---> Making bundle: test-unit (in .) + go test -cover -coverprofile=cover.out . ok github.com/containous/traefik 0.005s coverage: 4.1% of statements Test success ``` For development purposes, you can specify which tests to run by using: ```bash # Run every tests in the MyTest suite TESTFLAGS="-check.f MyTestSuite" make test-integration # Run the test "MyTest" in the MyTest suite TESTFLAGS="-check.f MyTestSuite.MyTest" make test-integration # Run every tests starting with "My", in the MyTest suite TESTFLAGS="-check.f MyTestSuite.My" make test-integration # Run every tests ending with "Test", in the MyTest suite TESTFLAGS="-check.f MyTestSuite.*Test" make test-integration ``` More: https://labix.org/gocheck ##### Method 2: `go` - Tests can be run from the cloned directory, by `$ go test ./...` which should return `ok` similar to: ``` ok _/home/vincent/src/github/vdemeester/traefik 0.004s ``` ### Documentation The [documentation site](http://docs.traefik.io/) is built with [mkdocs](http://mkdocs.org/) First make sure you have python and pip installed ```shell $ python --version Python 2.7.2 $ pip --version pip 1.5.2 ``` Then install mkdocs with pip ```shell $ pip install mkdocs ``` To test documentation locally run `mkdocs serve` in the root directory, this should start a server locally to preview your changes. ```shell $ mkdocs serve INFO - Building documentation... WARNING - Config value: 'theme'. Warning: The theme 'united' will be removed in an upcoming MkDocs release. See http://www.mkdocs.org/about/release-notes/ for more details INFO - Cleaning site directory [I 160505 22:31:24 server:281] Serving on [I 160505 22:31:24 handlers:59] Start watching changes [I 160505 22:31:24 handlers:61] Start detecting changes ```