package integration import ( "net/http" "os" "time" "" "" checker "" ) type RateLimitSuite struct { BaseSuite ServerIP string } func (s *RateLimitSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) { s.createComposeProject(c, "ratelimit") s.composeProject.Start(c) s.ServerIP = s.composeProject.Container(c, "nginx1").NetworkSettings.IPAddress } func (s *RateLimitSuite) TestSimpleConfiguration(c *check.C) { file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/ratelimit/simple.toml", struct { Server1 string }{s.ServerIP}) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, _ := s.cmdTraefik(withConfigFile(file)) err := cmd.Start() c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) defer cmd.Process.Kill() err = try.GetRequest("", 500*time.Millisecond, try.StatusCodeIs(http.StatusOK)) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = try.GetRequest("", 500*time.Millisecond, try.StatusCodeIs(http.StatusOK)) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = try.GetRequest("", 500*time.Millisecond, try.StatusCodeIs(http.StatusTooManyRequests)) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) // sleep for 4 seconds to be certain the configured time period has elapsed // then test another request and verify a 200 status code time.Sleep(4 * time.Second) err = try.GetRequest("", 500*time.Millisecond, try.StatusCodeIs(http.StatusOK)) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) // continue requests at 3 second intervals to test the other rate limit time period time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) err = try.GetRequest("", 500*time.Millisecond, try.StatusCodeIs(http.StatusOK)) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) err = try.GetRequest("", 500*time.Millisecond, try.StatusCodeIs(http.StatusOK)) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) err = try.GetRequest("", 500*time.Millisecond, try.StatusCodeIs(http.StatusTooManyRequests)) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) }