--- title: "Traefik Advocation Documentation" description: "There are many ways to contribute to Traefik Proxy. If you're talking about Traefik, let us know and we'll promote your enthusiasm!" --- # Advocating Spread the Love & Tell Us about It {: .subtitle } There are many ways to contribute to the project, and there is one that always spark joy: when we see/read about users talking about how Traefik helps them solve their problems. If you're talking about Traefik, [let us know](https://traefik.io/submit-my-contribution/) and we'll promote your enthusiasm! Also, if you've written about Traefik or shared useful information you'd like to promote, feel free to add links in the [dedicated wiki page on Github](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/wiki/Awesome-Traefik).