# EntryPoints Opening Connections for Incomming Requests {: .subtitle } ![EntryPoints](../assets/img/entrypoints.png) Entrypoints are the network entry points into Traefik. They can be defined using: - a port (80, 443, ...) - SSL (Certificates, Keys, authentication with a client certificate signed by a trusted CA, ...) ## Configuration Examples ??? example "HTTP only" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" ``` We define an `entrypoint` called `http` that will listen on port `80`. ??? example "HTTP & HTTPS" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "tests/traefik.crt" keyFile = "tests/traefik.key" ``` - Two entrypoints are defined: one called `http`, and the other called `https`. - `http` listens on port `80`, and `https` on port `443`. - We enabled SSL on `https` by giving it a certificate and a key. !!! note In the example, `http` and `https` are the names for the entrypoints and have nothing to do with the underlying protocol. We could have written `entryPoints.foo` and `entryPoints.bar` instead. !!! tip "Automatic HTTPS with ACME" If you don't have certificate files and wish to automatically enable HTTPS, you should have a look at one of Traefik's most praised feature: [ACME & Let's Encrypt integration](./acme.md) ??? example "Client Certificate Authentication" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] [entryPoints.https.tls.ClientCA] files = ["tests/clientca1.crt", "tests/clientca2.crt"] optional = false [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "tests/traefik.crt" keyFile = "tests/traefik.key" ``` - We enabled SSL on `https` by giving it a certificate and a key. - Files containing Certificate Authorities (PEM format) were added. !!! note "Multiple CAs" It is possible to have multiple CA:s in the same file or keep them in separate files. ## Configuration ### General Entrypoints are part of the [static configuration](../getting-started/configuration-overview.md#the-static-configuration). You can define them using a toml file, CLI arguments, or a key-value store. See the [complete reference](../reference/entrypoints.md) for the list of available options. ??? example "Using the CLI" Here is an example of using the CLI to define `entrypoints`: ```shell --entryPoints='Name:http Address::80' --entryPoints='Name:https Address::443 TLS' ``` !!! note The whitespace character (` `) is the option separator, and the comma (`,`) is the value separator for lists. The option names are case-insensitive. !!! warning "Using Docker Compose Files" The syntax for passing arguments inside a docker compose file is a little different. Here are two examples. ```yaml traefik: image: traefik command: - --defaultentrypoints=powpow - "--entryPoints=Name:powpow Address::42 Compress:true" ``` or ```yaml traefik: image: traefik command: --defaultentrypoints=powpow --entryPoints='Name:powpow Address::42 Compress:true' ``` ## TLS ### Static Certificates To add SNI support, define `certFile` and `keyFile`. ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.key" ``` !!! note If you provide an empty TLS configuration, default self-signed certificates will be generated. ### Dynamic Certificates To add / remove TLS certificates while Traefik is running, the [file provider](../providers/file.md) supports Dynamic TLS certificates in its `[[tls]]` section. ### Mutual Authentication Traefik supports both optional and non optional (defaut value) mutual authentication. - When `optional = false`, Traefik accepts connections only from client presenting a certificate signed by a CA listed in `ClientCA.files`. - When `optional = true`, Traefik authorizes connections from client presenting a certificate signed by an unknown CA. ??? example "Non Optional Mutual Authentication" In the following example, both `snitest.com` and `snitest.org` will require client certificates. ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] [entryPoints.https.tls.ClientCA] files = ["tests/clientca1.crt", "tests/clientca2.crt"] optional = false [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.key" [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.org.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.org.key" ``` !!! note "ClientCA.files" You can use a file per `CA:s`, or a single file containing multiple `CA:s` (in `PEM` format). `ClientCA.files` is not optional: every client will have to present a valid certificate. (This requirement will apply to every server certificate declared in the entrypoint.) ### Minimum TLS Version ??? example "Min TLS version & [cipherSuites](https://godoc.org/crypto/tls#pkg-constants)" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] minVersion = "VersionTLS12" cipherSuites = [ "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" ] [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.key" [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.org.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.org.key" ``` ### Strict SNI Checking With strict SNI checking, Traefik won't allow connections without a matching certificate. ??? example "Strict SNI" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] sniStrict = true [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.key" ``` ### Default Certificate Traefik can use a default certificate for connections without an SNI, or without a matching domain. If no default certificate is provided, Traefik generates a self-signed and use it instead. ??? example "Setting a Default Certificate" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] [entryPoints.https.tls.defaultCertificate] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.key" ``` !!! note "Only One Default Certificate" There can only be one `defaultCertificate` per entrypoint. ## ProxyProtocol Traefik supports [ProxyProtocol](https://www.haproxy.org/download/1.8/doc/proxy-protocol.txt). ??? example "Enabling Proxy Protocol with Trusted IPs" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.http.proxyProtocol] trustedIPs = ["", ""] ``` IPs in `trustedIPs` only will lead to remote client address replacement: Declare load-balancer IPs or CIDR range here. ??? example "Insecure Mode -- Testing Environnement Only" In a test environments, you can configure Traefik to trust every incomming connection. Doing so, every remote client address will be replaced (`trustedIPs` won't have any effect) ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.http.proxyProtocol] insecure = true ``` !!! warning "Queuing Traefik behind Another Load Balancer" When queuing Traefik behind another load-balancer, make sure to configure Proxy Protocol on both sides. Not doing so could introduce a security risk in your system (enabling request forgery). ## Forwarded Header You can configure Traefik to trust the forwarded headers information (`X-Forwarded-*`) ??? example "Trusting Forwarded Headers from specific IPs" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.http.forwardedHeaders] trustedIPs = ["", ""] ``` ??? example "Insecure Mode -- Always Trusting Forwarded Headers" ```toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.http.forwardedHeaders] insecure = true ```