# Migration: Steps needed between the versions ## v2.0 to v2.1 ### Kubernetes CRD In v2.1, a new Kubernetes CRD called `TraefikService` was added. While updating an installation to v2.1, one should apply that CRD, and update the existing `ClusterRole` definition to allow Traefik to use that CRD. To add that CRD and enhance the permissions, following definitions need to be applied to the cluster. ```yaml tab="TraefikService" apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: traefikservices.traefik.containo.us spec: group: traefik.containo.us version: v1alpha1 names: kind: TraefikService plural: traefikservices singular: traefikservice scope: Namespaced ``` ```yaml tab="ClusterRole" kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 metadata: name: traefik-ingress-controller rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - services - endpoints - secrets verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - extensions resources: - ingresses verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - extensions resources: - ingresses/status verbs: - update - apiGroups: - traefik.containo.us resources: - middlewares - ingressroutes - traefikservices - ingressroutetcps - tlsoptions verbs: - get - list - watch ``` After having both resources applied, Traefik will work properly. ## v2.1 to v2.2 ### Headers middleware: accessControlAllowOrigin `accessControlAllowOrigin` is deprecated. This field will be removed in future 2.x releases. Please configure your allowed origins in `accessControlAllowOriginList` instead. ### Kubernetes CRD In v2.2, new Kubernetes CRDs called `TLSStore` and `IngressRouteUDP` were added. While updating an installation to v2.2, one should apply that CRDs, and update the existing `ClusterRole` definition to allow Traefik to use that CRDs. To add that CRDs and enhance the permissions, following definitions need to be applied to the cluster. ```yaml tab="TLSStore" apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: tlsstores.traefik.containo.us spec: group: traefik.containo.us version: v1alpha1 names: kind: TLSStore plural: tlsstores singular: tlsstore scope: Namespaced ``` ```yaml tab="IngressRouteUDP" apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: ingressrouteudps.traefik.containo.us spec: group: traefik.containo.us version: v1alpha1 names: kind: IngressRouteUDP plural: ingressrouteudps singular: ingressrouteudp scope: Namespaced ``` ```yaml tab="ClusterRole" kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 metadata: name: traefik-ingress-controller rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - services - endpoints - secrets verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - extensions resources: - ingresses verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - extensions resources: - ingresses/status verbs: - update - apiGroups: - traefik.containo.us resources: - middlewares - ingressroutes - traefikservices - ingressroutetcps - ingressrouteudps - tlsoptions - tlsstores verbs: - get - list - watch ``` After having both resources applied, Traefik will work properly. ### Kubernetes Ingress To enable HTTPS, it is not sufficient anymore to only rely on a TLS section in the Ingress. #### Expose an Ingress on 80 and 443 Define the default TLS configuration on the HTTPS entry point. ```yaml tab="Ingress" kind: Ingress apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 metadata: name: example spec: tls: - secretName: myTlsSecret rules: - host: example.com http: paths: - path: "/foo" backend: serviceName: example-com servicePort: 80 ``` Entry points definition and enable Ingress provider: ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" # Static configuration entryPoints: web: address: :80 websecure: address: :443 http: tls: {} providers: kubernetesIngress: {} ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" # Static configuration [entryPoints.web] address = ":80" [entryPoints.websecure] address = ":443" [entryPoints.websecure.http] [entryPoints.websecure.http.tls] [providers.kubernetesIngress] ``` ```bash tab="CLI" # Static configuration --entryPoints.web.address=:80 --entryPoints.websecure.address=:443 --entryPoints.websecure.http.tls=true --providers.kubernetesIngress=true ``` #### Use TLS only on one Ingress Define the TLS restriction with annotations. ```yaml tab="Ingress" kind: Ingress apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 metadata: name: example-tls annotations: traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.entrypoints: websecure traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.tls: "true" spec: tls: - secretName: myTlsSecret rules: - host: example.com http: paths: - path: "" backend: serviceName: example-com servicePort: 80 ``` Entry points definition and enable Ingress provider: ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" # Static configuration entryPoints: web: address: :80 websecure: address: :443 providers: kubernetesIngress: {} ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" # Static configuration [entryPoints.web] address = ":80" [entryPoints.websecure] address = ":443" [providers.kubernetesIngress] ``` ```bash tab="CLI" # Static configuration --entryPoints.web.address=:80 --entryPoints.websecure.address=:443 --providers.kubernetesIngress=true ``` ## v2.2.2 to v2.2.5 ### InsecureSNI removal In `v2.2.2` we introduced a new flag (`insecureSNI`) which was available as a global option to disable domain fronting. Since `v2.2.5` this global option has been removed, and you should not use it anymore. ### HostSNI rule matcher removal In `v2.2.2` we introduced a new rule matcher (`HostSNI`) for HTTP routers which was allowing to match the Server Name Indication at the router level. Since `v2.2.5` this rule has been removed for HTTP routers, and you should not use it anymore. ## v2.2 to v2.3 ### X.509 CommonName Deprecation The deprecated, legacy behavior of treating the CommonName field on X.509 certificates as a host name when no Subject Alternative Names are present, is now disabled by default. It means that if one is using https with your backend servers, and a certificate with only a CommonName, Traefik will not try to match the server name indication with the CommonName anymore. It can be temporarily re-enabled by adding the value `x509ignoreCN=0` to the `GODEBUG` environment variable. More information: https://golang.org/doc/go1.15#commonname ### File Provider The file parser has been changed, since v2.3 the unknown options/fields in a dynamic configuration file are treated as errors. ### IngressClass In `v2.3`, the support of `IngressClass`, which is available since Kubernetes version `1.18`, has been introduced. In order to be able to use this new resource the [Kubernetes RBAC](../reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-crd.md#rbac) must be updated. ## v2.4.7 to v2.4.8 ### Non-ASCII Domain Names In `v2.4.8` we introduced a new check on domain names used in HTTP router rule `Host` and `HostRegexp` expressions, and in TCP router rule `HostSNI` expression. This check ensures that provided domain names don't contain non-ASCII characters. If not, an error is raised, and the associated router will be shown as invalid in the dashboard. This new behavior is intended to show what was failing silently previously and to help troubleshooting configuration issues. It doesn't change the support for non-ASCII domain names in routers rules, which is not part of the Traefik feature set so far. In order to use non-ASCII domain names in a router's rule, one should use the Punycode form of the domain name. For more information, please read the [HTTP routers rule](../routing/routers/index.md#rule) part or [TCP router rules](../routing/routers/index.md#rule_1) part of the documentation.