package org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.PlaylistLocalItem; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.playlist.PlaylistInfo; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.Constants; import org.schabi.newpipe.util.image.ImageStrategy; import static org.schabi.newpipe.database.LocalItem.LocalItemType.PLAYLIST_REMOTE_ITEM; import static org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity.REMOTE_PLAYLIST_NAME; import static org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity.REMOTE_PLAYLIST_SERVICE_ID; import static org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity.REMOTE_PLAYLIST_TABLE; import static org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity.REMOTE_PLAYLIST_URL; @Entity(tableName = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_TABLE, indices = { @Index(value = {REMOTE_PLAYLIST_SERVICE_ID, REMOTE_PLAYLIST_URL}, unique = true) }) public class PlaylistRemoteEntity implements PlaylistLocalItem { public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_TABLE = "remote_playlists"; public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_ID = "uid"; public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_SERVICE_ID = "service_id"; public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_NAME = "name"; public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_URL = "url"; public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_URL = "thumbnail_url"; public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_UPLOADER_NAME = "uploader"; public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_DISPLAY_INDEX = "display_index"; public static final String REMOTE_PLAYLIST_STREAM_COUNT = "stream_count"; @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) @ColumnInfo(name = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_ID) private long uid = 0; @ColumnInfo(name = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_SERVICE_ID) private int serviceId = Constants.NO_SERVICE_ID; @ColumnInfo(name = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_NAME) private String name; @ColumnInfo(name = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_URL) private String url; @ColumnInfo(name = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_URL) private String thumbnailUrl; @ColumnInfo(name = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_UPLOADER_NAME) private String uploader; @ColumnInfo(name = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_DISPLAY_INDEX) private long displayIndex = -1; // Make sure the new item is on the top @ColumnInfo(name = REMOTE_PLAYLIST_STREAM_COUNT) private Long streamCount; public PlaylistRemoteEntity(final int serviceId, final String name, final String url, final String thumbnailUrl, final String uploader, final Long streamCount) { this.serviceId = serviceId; = name; this.url = url; this.thumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; this.uploader = uploader; this.streamCount = streamCount; } @Ignore public PlaylistRemoteEntity(final int serviceId, final String name, final String url, final String thumbnailUrl, final String uploader, final long displayIndex, final Long streamCount) { this.serviceId = serviceId; = name; this.url = url; this.thumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; this.uploader = uploader; this.displayIndex = displayIndex; this.streamCount = streamCount; } @Ignore public PlaylistRemoteEntity(final PlaylistInfo info) { this(info.getServiceId(), info.getName(), info.getUrl(), // use uploader avatar when no thumbnail is available ImageStrategy.imageListToDbUrl(info.getThumbnails().isEmpty() ? info.getUploaderAvatars() : info.getThumbnails()), info.getUploaderName(), info.getStreamCount()); } @Ignore public boolean isIdenticalTo(final PlaylistInfo info) { /* * Returns boolean comparing the online playlist and the local copy. * (False if info changed such as playlist name or track count) */ return getServiceId() == info.getServiceId() && getStreamCount() == info.getStreamCount() && TextUtils.equals(getName(), info.getName()) && TextUtils.equals(getUrl(), info.getUrl()) // we want to update the local playlist data even when either the remote thumbnail // URL changes, or the preferred image quality setting is changed by the user && TextUtils.equals(getThumbnailUrl(), ImageStrategy.imageListToDbUrl(info.getThumbnails())) && TextUtils.equals(getUploader(), info.getUploaderName()); } @Override public long getUid() { return uid; } public void setUid(final long uid) { this.uid = uid; } public int getServiceId() { return serviceId; } public void setServiceId(final int serviceId) { this.serviceId = serviceId; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(final String name) { = name; } public String getThumbnailUrl() { return thumbnailUrl; } public void setThumbnailUrl(final String thumbnailUrl) { this.thumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(final String url) { this.url = url; } public String getUploader() { return uploader; } public void setUploader(final String uploader) { this.uploader = uploader; } @Override public long getDisplayIndex() { return displayIndex; } @Override public void setDisplayIndex(final long displayIndex) { this.displayIndex = displayIndex; } public Long getStreamCount() { return streamCount; } public void setStreamCount(final Long streamCount) { this.streamCount = streamCount; } @Override public LocalItemType getLocalItemType() { return PLAYLIST_REMOTE_ITEM; } @Override public String getOrderingName() { return name; } }